Gotchampotch’s English blog ゴッチャンポッチの英語ブログ

I am Japanese. I'm not good at English very much, so I think that there are many mistakes in my English. I appropriate your understanding.

I went to MOTHER2 exhibition! (In Japan)


I am Japanese live in Japan.


I love a certain RPG. "MOTHER2" (EarthBound).

👇My article written about how I love MOTHER2 (Japanese text)


MOTHER2's theme is not everyday life. Boy and girl fight to save the earth.

But, when we play MOTHER2, we feel everyday life and our heart become warm.

MOTHER2 is such wonder heartful exciting game!


Now, in Japan, an exhibition, "MOTHER2のひみつ。展 (SECRETS OF MOTHER2)" where you can see the development materials of MOTHER2 is being held in Shibuya, Tokyo.

👇Website of "MOTHER2のひみつ。展"(External link)(Japanese Website


In Kanda Nishikicho, Umeda, Sapporo, and Nagoya, an exhibition called "MOTHER2のひみつ。サテライト展(The Secret of MOTHER2 Satellite Exhibition)" is being held. Satellite Exhibition mainly sells goods, but we can also see a little reproduction materials!


I live in Osaka. Osaka is far from Tokyo. So I can't went to main exhibition at Shibuya, Tokyo.

But I went to Sattellite Exhibition at Umeda, Osaka!!!


About development materials shown at Satellite Exhibitoion

There wasn't a lot of development materials, but a lot of information was new to me, so it was interesting.

I was satisfied even though it was a satellite exhibition, but I thought that main exhibition in Tokyo would be many times more amazing!

I wish I could go to Tokyo more easily.


About goods

There were many goods even at the satellite exhibition! !

There are towels of various sizes and patterns, key chains, books called “Pollyanna”, stuffed toy of characters of MOTHER series, and more! !


Many items were sold out and the come-on product, "いのちのうどん(Inochi no Udon)", which is a commercialization of in-game items, was also sold out! It's very popular! !

(いのちのうどん is the item we can come back fainted fellow and recover full HP. It is sold at Saturn Valley by Dosei-san (Mr. Saturn). What is theいのちのうどん in English version? I don't know.)

👇About いのちのうどん


I bought a towel with a Dosei-san pattern and a tin badge with a random design!



And, in Japan, the Diary of MOTHE2's design is sold every year. This diaries are also exhibited!!

👇The Diary called "ほぼ日手帳 Hobonichi-techo"


These are very cute!! These are sold from September in Japan. I want to buy it.


This is my experience of SECRETS OF MOTHER2 Satellite Exhibition!

After going to this exhibition, I felt once again that "MOTHER2, and the MOTHER series is great game!''


I had not played MOTHER3, which is the last title of MOTHER series at the moment yet.

I took this opportunity to get it into the Switch Online Addition Pack and started playing it!

(I feel so sorry that MOTHER3 is not able to be playing outside Japan)


I cleared MOTHER3 now. This is also masterpiece.


What wonderful games MOTHER2, and MOTHER series are!!!


Thank you for reading!!